Більше резюме і контактна інформація кандидатів

будуть доступні тільки після реєстрації компанії



Фурман Алексей

Product manage,

Київ від 10 000 грн

Зареєструйтесь або увійдіть, щоб відкрити контакти пошукача

Вид зайнятості:

Повна зайнятість

Навички та досягнення:

Employee Information

Full name: Alexey Furman
Сontact number: +380632734264
Date of birth: 18 March 1989
Address: 94 Fl., 8A, Dragomanova Str., Kiev, Ukraine
Marital status: married
E-mail: alexfurman20@gmail.com

Since summer 2015 Intern in Quintiles (CRO). Since 2008 in Industrial Marketing Sales (B2B-marketing): FMCG-market (Xenta, RBB, Meukow), mineral waters (IDS-group products), coffee products (TOTTI, Lavazza). Since 2013 in Pharmaceutical Field Force Management (medical representative). Master degree in Economics (Industrial marketing) and Bachelor degree in Pharmacy. Strong background in sales at such areas of medicine- Endocrinology, Cardiology, Neurology, Pediatrics. Facilitating promotion medicines in drug-stores.

Formal Educational History

Last Date Attended Institution Name, Country Education Level/Degree Area of Study
08/2011 National Polytechnic University, Kyiv, Ukraine, Ukraine Master Degree Industrial Marketing
09/2014 Bogomolets National Medicine University, Kyiv, Ukraine, Ukraine Bachelor Degree Pharmacy


• Whole Ukrainian B2B Marketing conferences: Actual problems in Ukrainian pharmaceutical business 2007,2008;
• Certificate of PR-school;
• GCP certificate.

Employment History

Date of Employment: Summer 2015- Now
Job Title: Intern
Key Responsibilities: Completion of online trainings, attendance of global TCs and local lectures, observation visits with CRAs, support to CTAs, RSU and Feasibility dept.

Date of Employment 10/2013 — 09/2015
Name of Employer: Berlin Chemie/ A.Menarini GmbH
Job Title: Medical Representative
Key Responsibilities: — Promotion Rx products (Cardio, Endocrinology, Pediatrics, Neurology lines) into Hospital segment, drug stores;
— Promotion OTC products (mucolytics, enzymes, NSAIDs lines) into ambulant clinics, drug-stores;
— Collaboration with Key Opinion leaders (drafting contracts, working with original guidelines and translating Clinical Research articles into Russian);
— Adapting presentations/trainings in accordance to actual data and needs of doctors;
— Experience with private clinics, hospital for in-patients;
— Organization Rx and OTC conferences (development activities for participants).

Date of Employment: 09/2012 — 07/2013
Name of Employer: Centurion Studios International
Job Title: Project Manager
Key Responsibilities: — Management Stock process;
— Generated new market ideas at Stock exchanges;
— Advising new locations for projects;
— Budjeting whole cycle of projects» implementation.

Date of Employment: 07/2011 — 07/2012
Name of Employer: Bayadera Import
Job Title: Brand Manager
Key Responsibilities: — Brand development, web site fill up informations;
— Development brand-new presentations and make them into On-trade and Off-trade market;
— Advising new BTl activity into On-trade;
— Control of the company activities and make reports.


Language Speaking Reading Writing
English Fluent Fluent Fluent
Russian Fluent Fluent Fluent
Ukrainian Fluent Fluent Fluent

• Driving Licence Category B (2009)

• Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Outlook, Power Point);
• ClickView;
• PharmStandart;
• SPSS statistics;
• 1C (v7,v8);
• Adobe Photoshop.


Сardiology, sports, music

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